Active Through Football



Hull’s Active Through Football Partnership, led by Hull City Council and including Hull Culture and Leisure, Active Humber, East Riding FA and Tiger Trust, has taken on the challenge of using football to improve activity levels of people across the city.

After consultation with key stakeholders, they have identified a gap in opportunities for 16 – 19 year olds and the BAME community. We are hoping with the help of local communities to create a welcoming and inclusive environment through are targeted sessions and promoting physical activity, through Football for all.

The Active Through Football partnership aims to champion all forms of Football, from informal park kickabouts through to organised leagues and sessions.

The project will take advantage of strong local ties with local community groups and existing projects to develop activities for our target audiences. Using local insights, volunteers and organisations to create a long lasting difference in local communities across Hull.

 In our first year we are focusing on three key geographical areas accross the City, Marfleet, Orchard Park and Newington & Gypsyville for 16–19 year olds, however we are looking for partners across the city to develop the project across it’s 5 years lifespan.    

There will be 4 key principles running through the project which will help the Partnership understand and monitor the local benefit and give local partners confidence in the approach.



Local and Citywide engagement will be ongoing throughout the project, to develop a workforce to continue to work and allow participation in Football activities to continue outside of Active Through Football sessions and beyond the 5 years funding received from the Football Foundation.

To find out more and check out the latest information go to:

If you’re part of an organisation that would like to take part in the project then contact the Active Through Football Project Officer via e-mail at

For more opportunities to get involved with football visit